In limbo

Still plotting
Parliament is supposed to reconvene this Thursday after its unfortunate and precipitate suspension by the Speaker. He’d refused to eject the entire opposition who flagrantly and obstreperously disobeyed his ruling that their no-confidence “motion” on Rohee was so much hot (and putrid) air.
Ramjattan, still struggling to reclaim some semblance of authority in the AFC, has been the most strident in this regard as he mimics the PNC. Ahh…politics certainly makes strange bedfellows. They’re responding to a hint the supposedly ‘neutral’ Speaker gave them even as he cut the ground from under their first foolish motion.
Trotman advised that the opposition could move a “substantive motion” specifically directed at stopping Rohee from speaking. Granger will be laying just such a motion in Parliament at the next sitting and Ramjattan will be seconding it. It is clear that the APNU is working on the premise that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and forgets his ‘friend’ stabbed him in the back in Linden and will do so once again – at the first opportunity.
But they will all be hung by their own petard. While Parliament has the power to discipline its members, this can only be done for very specific infractions. Such as, for instance, disregarding the authority and ruling of the Speaker as the opposition collectively did at the last sitting!! There is absolutely nothing that Minister Rohee has done that can cause him to be silenced.
In cases where a member has been convicted of committing such crimes as perjury, forgery, fraud, and corruption, etc. he can be expelled and even jailed by the House. Even the opposition has not dared accuse Rohee of such crimes. What we do know, however, is that there are several big ones strutting about the House like fowlcocks who have been accused of fraudulent conversion of property. If they’re convicted they will be expelled from the House. They’d better watch out! They know who they are. The opposition are hereby put on alert on their proposed action: Erskine May’s Parliamentary Practice defines contempt as:  “generally speaking any act …which obstructs or impedes … any Member or Officer of such House in the discharge of his duty, or which has a tendency, directly or indirectly, to produce such results …” Be warned!!! Rohee must be allowed to perform his job or the Speaker must expel those who prevent him from so doing.
Out of the mouth of babes…
Out of the mouth of babes (and sucklings) comes gems. Howard Bulkan is a veritable ‘babe in arms’ when it comes to politics. It’s a free country. Anyhow, Bulkan is an old WPA supporter who finally decided to enter the fray in his dotage. He commented on the state of the local government elections. He’s APNU’s ‘shadow’ local government minister.
He complained that legislation has to be passed before we can have elections but “they’re stuck in a select committee”. Hello!!! And who controls that committee? Yes, you’re darned right – the opposition. Bulkan, however, shifts the blame for the delay on the situation in Parliament – which the opposition have brought to a standstill!
Bulkan’s gem was in asserting: “the National Assembly is currently in limbo”. Godfearing as Bulkan obviously is, (the opposition are all honourable  men!) we know that he knows ‘limbo’ is the region making up the outer region of hell. The opposition have made our Parliament into a veritable hell!! Out of the mouth of babes ….
The Private Sector Commission just woke up: “There has been a strong tendency for unrest in Parliament to translate into civil unrest,” they stated. Hello???!!! The opposition have already threatened that if they don’t get their way in Parliament, they’re going for ‘extra-parliamentary actions’. That, even they should know, is code for “protests and riots”!

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